How To Make History Exciting For All Ages

People like to complain about how history bores them. That says more about the way they consume history (or how it is fed to them) than it does about history. How can you make people of all ages excited about history? Click the link below for this week’s episode of The State of Greater Western New York Report to hear from someone who has done this and how he did it.

Veteran and former school teacher Chris Blomgren, President of Historic Pursuits in Palmyra, Wayne County, talks to us this week about the importance of storytelling in the first half of today’s show.  He reveals what compelled him to start his company and how both his military and school teaching experience informed him.

In the show’s second half, Blomgren shares very specific examples of how engaging people in history works, what people of different ages respond to it when he does it, and how you can do it, too. He also tells you which age group is most challenging.

Our guest happily answered questions from the live audience. In fact, these are probably some of the same questions you had. Would you like to be a live audience member so you can ask our guests questions? Click here to join the growing number of members who share your feelings on because then we can automatically send you the link to watch our shows live.

Theme music by “mansardian” courtesy of under Creative Commons License Attribution 3.0

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