Archeologist Uncovers Grand Island Mystery

What do a septic system, a President’s uncle, and a mysterious house have in common? Click the link below for this week’s episode of The State of Greater Western New York Report to discover what a professional archeologist unexpectedly found during a run-of-the-mill dig inspection at a famous location on Grand Island.

Gorget Indiana Jones, you don’t have to be a tenured university professor to make a fascinating archeological discovery. Meet Ann Morton, a professional archeologist. who has been digging around our parts for nearly four decades.  She tells us how she got from Scotland to here and how her career has led her to a most unexpected discovery, the scariest moment (yes, like Indy, it involves snakes), and other fascinating exploits in industrial archeology.

In the show’s second half, Morton gets into the specifics of what really happened on Grand Island during a normal dig for a septic system. The story involves Grover Cleveland, runaway slaves, and a mysterious person by the name of “Welch” (not of the grape variety).

Our guest happily answered questions from the live audience. In fact, these are probably some of the same questions you had. Would you like to be a live audience member so you can ask our guests questions? Click here to join the growing number of members who share your feelings on because then we can automatically send you the link to watch our shows live.

Theme music by “mansardian” courtesy of under Creative Commons License Attribution 3.0

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